Dear All,

On behalf of the editors of the Jurnal Kepariwisataan (JK): Destinasi Hospitalitas dan Perjalanan, we are pleased to share the Table of Content of our current issue Articles with you.

Jurnal Kepariwisataan (JK): Destinasi Hospitalitas dan Perjalanan | Volume 7, Issue 2, 2023
Published: 31-12-2023

Table of Content

Exploring the Current Status and Future Potential of Robot,Artificial Intelligence, and Service Automation in the Indonesian Tourism Industry
Agung Yoga Asmoro, Gareth Butler, Gerti Szili

Halal Tourism Towards Equity Representation of Multicultural Identity and Human Development: A Case of Lombok, Indonesia
Ameylia Puspita Rosa Dyah Ayu Arintyas, Raihan Chaerani Putri Budiman

Enhancing Product Excellence and Business Growth Approaches for Small and Medium-Sizes Pastry and Bakery Enterprises: A case of Widhy’s Cake and Bakery Lampung
Wawan Bagus Santoso, Wuryaningsih Dwi Sayekti, Dyah Aring Hepiana Lestari

Festival Economy: The Impact of Events on Sustainable Tourism
Purwadi Purwadi, Dio Caisar Darma, Made Setini

Explration of the Potential Geosite of Ijen Geopark Bondowoso Region as an Educational Tourism
Fuad Hasan, Intan Hayun Ningrum

The Influence of Perceived Risk and Travel Constraints to Travel Intention of Women Traveler in Bandung City
Iqlima Ramadhani

Synchronization of City Branding and Tourist Interest in The Triple Helix Concept: The Case of Banyuwangi Rebound during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Ahmadintya Anggit Hanggraito, Indira Nuansa Ratri, Esa riandy Cardias

Stakeholder Analysis on PAL 16 Tourism Development in Cikole Village
Riswandha Risang Aji, Visilya Faniza

Surf Fishing Prospect: Developing Pangandaran Beach Tourism Destination
Dicky Arsyul Salam, Beta Budisetyorini, Deddy Adisudharma, Wisi Wulandari, Mega Fitriani Adiwarna Prawira

Supporting Tourism Development Through Creative Economy Clusters in Lebak District
Arini Shofi Elmia

Thank you all authors and reviewers for your contribution to our journal. Hope you all enjoy reading them!

Best regards,

Dr Fajar Putra

Managing Editor