Jurnal Kepariwisataan Volume 8, Issue 1, 2024 features insightful research from authors across Indonesia, Iran, Bangladesh, and Nigeria, totaling 13 contributors. The issue covers a range of topics in tourism research. Highlights include a study on evaluating regeneration in tourism through advanced metrics and methodologies for sustainable transformation. Another significant contribution examines the socioeconomic potentials of agritourism in orchards at Laro Yewa Land, Ogun State, Southwest Nigeria. Additional articles explore the dynamics of the tourism market in Serang Regency post-COVID-19 pandemic, transportation mode choices and sustainability implications in Ciwidey's National Tourism Strategic Area, and the nexus between quality tourism and Sustainable Development Goals through a case study of Uma Uta Tourism Village in Sikka Regency, NTT Province. These studies collectively provide valuable insights into sustainable tourism practices and strategies in diverse global contexts.


DOI: https://doi.org/10.34013/jk.v8i1

Published: 30-06-2024

How Can We Evaluate Regeneration in Tourism?

Advancing Metrics and Methodologies for a Sustainable Transformation

DOI : https://doi.org/10.34013/jk.v8i1.1494


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Agritourism and Socioeconomic Potentials of Orchards

A case of Laro Yewa Land Ogun State Southwest Nigeria

DOI : https://doi.org/10.34013/jk.v8i1.1512


pdf    Abstract views: 116 times Downloaded: 83 times

Study of the Tourism Market in Serang Regency Post COVID-19 Pandemic

DOI : https://doi.org/10.34013/jk.v8i1.1334


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Transportation Mode Choice and Sustainability

A Study of Tourist Transportation in The National Tourism Strategic Area Ciwidey

DOI : https://doi.org/10.34013/jk.v8i1.1338


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The Nexus Between Quality Tourism and Sustainable Development Goals

Case Study of Uma Uta Tourism Village, Sikka Regency, NTT Province

DOI : https://doi.org/10.34013/jk.v8i1.1339


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The Development of Natural and Cultural Tourism in Buku Limau Island Based on Social Networking

DOI : https://doi.org/10.34013/jk.v8i1.1363


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