The Jurnal Kepariwisataan Vol 6 Issue 1, 2022 features a collection of studies that offer insights into various aspects of tourism. The studies are conducted by totaling over 30 contributors from various Indonesian universities. The issue includes articles on topics such as sentiment analysis of tweets regarding tourist beaches in Parangtritis, sustainable development of the Mandalika Special Economic Zone, the impact of employee performance on tourist visits during COVID-19, and recovery strategies for tourism businesses amid the pandemic. Other studies explore the correlation between green behavior and tourist trust in communication strategies, consumer preferences for local chocolate from Kulon Progo, collaborative governance in sustainable tourist villages, and the revenue impact on natural and amenity beach tourism during COVID-19. Additionally, research on travel preferences and expenses in the new normal era, the implementation of CHSE in promoting the MICE industry, and the design of recreational fishing tourism products on the Bogowonto River are included.


Published: 08-08-2022

Mutu Sensori dan Preferensi Konsumen dari Coklat Lokal Khas Kulon Progo, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia

Selvi Novianti, Sandra Sanggramasari, Made Citra Yuniastuti, Tristy Firlyanie Lutfhi, P.Jessica Josary


Rancangan Produk Rekreasi Wisata Memancing Sungai Bogowonto, Kabupaten Purworejo

Beta Budisetyorini, Deddy Adisudharma, Dicky Arsyul, Wisi Wulandari, Mega Fitriani Adiwarna Prawira
